We Build Champions

Friday, February 19, 2010

Fluid Levels Low?

Grape RehyrateDo you ever check the fluid levels in your car? If you do, you know that they occasionally need to be replenished. If you don’t you find out the hard way when a red warning light flashes on your dashboard. If only our bodies were as easy to check as the car, then we’d know that when we’re working hard, especially in the heat, our fluid and electrolyte levels drop dramatically – sometimes with disastrous effect.
An average adult body is 50 to 65 percent water — that’s roughly 45 quarts. Blood is made up of 83 percent water, bones are 22 percent water, and muscle is 75 percent water. Water is the basis for all body fluids and is involved in numerous vital metabolic processes. While a human can survive more than a week without food, a person will die within a few days without water.
When we lose fluid through sweat we also lose minerals such as calcium, potassium and sodium, electrolytes that help regulate the body’s fluid balance. Just a two to five percent decrease in body fluid can reduce blood volume, decreasing oxygen delivery to muscles and organs. Decreased carbohydrate availability may also occur resulting in low muscle glycogen levels. Prolonged exercise, outdoor activities at elevated temperature/humidity and occasional gastric imbalances are associated with loss of body fluid and dehydration.
One hour of moderate intensity exercise at a temperature of 70° Fahrenheit results in an average loss of 27 ounces of sweat. Even low intensity exercise or activity can cause significant fluid loss. At this point performance declines due to increased reaction time and decreased concentration and judgment. Of even more concern is the fact that the individual may be completely unaware of these occurrences.
Situations other than exercise can also cause fluid loss. Long airplane flights mean prolonged exposure to cabin air with humidity levels around ten percent. Low humidity air combined with restricted mobility and decreased fluid intake can create the potential for fluid imbalance.
Older individuals typically eat less food, which is a major source of fluid. They may become more susceptible to fluid loss because the body’s ability to conserve water decreases with age. The sense of thirst also becomes less keen with age. Older individuals may simply forget to eat or drink. The effects of fluid loss are cumulative with one day’s deficit amplifying the previous day’s deficit.
Failing to address fluid imbalance and dehydration can have serious health consequences. Do not wait until fluid imbalance becomes a problem. Prevention is the key. Hydrate before and during exercise or other situations conducive to fluid loss, then rehydrate adequately upon completion of the activity.
Rehydrate Electrolyte Replacement drink (available in Citrus, Fruit Punch, Grape)has a low glycemic index that produces a reduced insulin response and is isotonic, thus providing rapid gastric emptying and rapid rehydration. It provides the necessary nutrients to maintain metabolism, delay onset of fatigue, and speed total body recovery by:
  • Hydrating and rehydrating the body
  • Establishing/re-establishing electrolyte balance
  • Supplying antioxidants to counter the effects of free radicals
  • Supporting the body’s energy cycle
  • Providing carbohydrate fuel necessary for energy production
The nutrients contained in the Rehydrate formula can be categorized into the following groups:
  • Electrolytes: It has a balanced 1:1 ratio of sodium and potassium to replenish these ions that are lost in sweat and urine.  It supplies calcium and magnesium, vital to muscle physiology and energetics, benefiting both contraction and relaxation phases for reduced cramping and rapid recovery.
  • Antioxidants: The antioxidants in the formula may help protect against exercise-induced oxidative stress.
  • Energy Cycle Support: L-Arginine helps support muscle strength and recovery as well as optimizing cardiovascular blood flow. Coenzymes and catalysts for cell energy production optimize the conversion of macronutrients into energy.
  • Sustained Carbohydrate Energy: It contains sequential carbohydrate profile for sustained energy. The addition of the essential trace mineral, chromium, aids in proper carbohydrate metabolism.
  • L-Glutamine: L-Glutamine helps buffer and process lactic acid produced during physical activity, resulting in reduced muscle cramping. It also serves as an energy source for the brain and mental function.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Interested in learning more about
Advocare's newest product, BioTools? 
Come hear about it from the Doctors who formulated it!
What:            Baby Boomer Meeting
When:           Tuesday, February 16, 2010 -  6:30:00 PM
Where:          Hilton Altamonte Springs,  Altamonte Springs, FL
Description:  Dr. Mark Miller and Sales Vice President Rick Loy

Featuring AdvoCare BIOTUNE™ and BIOCHARGE™ to tune and charge your body.*
Play more with BIOCHARGE™*
·         Enjoy the active lifestyle you deserve with BIOCHARGE™
·         Charges your body to play on and helps with performance and recovery*
·         Formulated with branch chain amino acids, antioxidants, and polyphenols
·         Helps with cellular and muscle repair, accelerating recovery time*
·         Promotes lean muscle mass and performance*
·         Provides a caffeine-free source of energy*
·         30-day supply of flavored stick packs
Play better with BIOTUNE™*
·         Return to the top of your game with BIOTUNE™*
·         Includes a unique a herbal/nutrient blend that helps support cardio, bone and joint, and gastrointestinal systems*
·         Tunes and encourages your body to function at its highest level*
·         Formulated with botanicals associated with anti-inflammatory properties*
·         Promotes internal balance and healthy aging*
·         Encourages youthful responses to physical stress and challenges*
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease

Sunday, January 31, 2010

24 Day Challenge Overview

It's not too late to start your own 24 Day Challenge. See why people are losing 10 pounds or more in 24 days with the Advocare 24 Day Challenge. You will not be disappointed.

Check out the video below.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Success Rises at Success School

We just got back from Success School in Fort Worth and it was well worth the time. We saw everyday people that have changed their lives and are helping others achieve their goals of better health and better wealth.

Enjoy the video and start making plans to attend the next Success School June 25 - 27, 2010 in Fort Worth. You do not want to miss this event.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

It's Time To Take Control of Your Health

It’s the New Year! It’s time to TURBO CHARGE your Fitness and Weight Loss Results!

Complete nutrition with smart supplementation is shared among most trainers, coaches and clients who attain fast and furious health, weight loss, and fitness results.

Nutrition is all-too-obvious to us, but despite how feverishly we beat the drum, it remains an elusive secret to so many. That’s why we are telling you – to ensure you know the secret.

Allow me to explain and then visit www.AdvoCarePremierTeam.com:

If you know some facts about health, you already know that increasing the frequency of your meals and healthy snacks revs up your metabolism, stoking the calorie incinerating furnace in your body.

Complete Nutrition Goes Beyond Simply “Cutting Out the Junk” and Eating More Healthy Food. It’s about looking at what health issues are still “nagging” in your life, and how we can make them better. It’s about filling in the gaps in your diet plan and being smart about supplementation.

It’s more than just taking a multi-vitamin mineral product (although all the major medical/health organizations now recommend you do so), but also addressing things like the amount of fiber in your diet to reduce body fat and to lower cholesterol and blood pressure.

It’s also important to make sure you’re getting enough quality protein each day to have energy all day long and build lean muscle, along with addressing eating habits after your workout to reduce soreness and speed up the recovery process.

How Can Smart Supplementation Help? It will address the voids in your diet and complete your nutritional needs.

Here are some benefits:
* Stabilize blood sugar and increase your energy
* Reduce muscle soreness and rapidly accelerate your recovery from exercise
* Prevent the damage caused to your body by exercise and strengthen your immune system
* Drop Body Fat while maintaining muscle
* Fill in all of the nutritional gaps

I hope that you fully understand and benefit from the elusive secret to turbo charging your fitness and weight loss results.

Choose The Right Supplements! Make Sure You Get a Guarantee!

AdvoCare has a 16 year unblemished track record in the areas of weight management, healthy energy products, sports performance and overall wellness.

Each and every AdvoCare product is developed using only the latest science and is tested in elite athletes before the general public ever sees them.

Every product is 100% Money-Back Guaranteed and every product will absolutely do what it says!

Looking to Take Care of your Core Nutrition?


These three products will feed your muscle, help you burn fat throughout the day, fill in all of your nutritional gaps and give you an abundance of healthy, natural energy!

Let us help you finally take control of your health and wellness once and for all!


Go to www.AdvoCarePremierTeam.com to start today.

24 Day Challenge

Weight Loss Testimonials

AdvoCare Professional Athlete Endorsers