We Build Champions

Friday, December 11, 2009

AdvoCare for College Students

You've got the Brains and the Books...Advocare has the ENERGY!
Today's college students lead a fast-paced life - classes, studying, sports or general athletics, work and of course, PLAY. As a busy college student, you know that when you're low on energy, every facet of your life suffers. Because you often are going "ten directions at once", you may not be eating the way you should. To get that quick fix, the temptation is to look to popular choices like blended coffee, soda, or energy drinks.

The problem with these quick fixes is though they may give a quick bolt of energy, it disappears just as quickly - usually lasting no more than 30 minutes. What you need is an energy drink that is quick to respond, long-lasting, and not full of sugar and calories.
AdvoCare® SPARKTM Energy Drink is a sugar-free drink mix that contains more than 20 vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that work synergistically to provide a healthy, balanced, effective source of energy that won't overstimulate your body like other "energy drinks" on the market.

AdvoCare® SLAMTM is a powerful, portable energy drink in a 2 oz. bottle. Its unique combination of energy-producing nutrients and support for neural processes make it a perfect fit for college students or anyone who requires a sustained energy boost with no sharp drop-off or energy "crash". Unlike many other energy shots you find at retail stores, SLAM actually tastes GREAT!

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